Baby Ashton

This is the blog of our son, Ashton. There has been so much to say and post about him, it was taking over my personal blog; therefore, he now has his own site chronicling his exploits and documenting his life for friends and family.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

He Arose

The pictures say it all right? LOL, well, momma wants to explain some too :) Matthew and I were needing to get up earlier to get some things done for a project for Matthew's class so we had to wake Ashton up early, like 10 a.m. early (yeah I know, he should have been up already but he likes staying up till 1 a.m. a lot). Anyways, Matthew and I walk into his room to find him just like he's pictured, head under the blanket and feet sticking out of the crib. All kids have their weird way of sleeping and that's just his way I suppose, mine from what I have been told was sleeping with my butt up in the air. No comments on that!! I mean it!! So, any who.. I had to grab the camera so that everyone could see how adorable Ashton is, well everyone knows how adorable he is, I just wanted to remind them. The next two pictures are of him after he has woken up. Of course to wake him up we called his name and few times and all we got in response was a groan... yep, he's being a typical man already! Then I step in and tickle his feet and up he rose with a look on his face that unfortunately I couldn't capture. Then he saw us and grinned and yawned(got a picture of that) and then started chewing on the bed. If you look closely enough on the last two pictures you can see where he has chewed the bed. Yep, we have a beaver on our hands. Oh Joy!!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Ok, we have a climber on our hands. He can climb into the kitchen chairs, with no lab top case to step up on now, he can climb on top of his toy box, as you can see, and he can climb on top of the toilet. He is trying to climb onto the couch, hasn't got there yet though. He tried to climb up me while I was sitting on the couch, that didn't work either. Sometimes after he gets on top of his toy box, he tries to climb over the baby gate. Needless to say, we will be moving the toy box into his room.

We got Snow!!! These pictures were taken at 6 a.m. the morning. See my car? The white never ends :) If it sticks around and is still there when Ashton wakes up I'll try to get him out there and take some pictures. Hope all y'all Georgia folks enjoy!!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

I just wanted to show everyone the really neat calendar that I made on Each month I will take a picture of the new month so that everyone can see it. If you notice on January 26 David is having a birthday. Isn't that neat?!

Ok, this is what I was talking about. Ashton climb onto the black bag in the floor and then climb into the chair. Yep, we're in trouble. You know, my mom use to chain the chairs together under the table to keep my brother from doing the same thing... mom, you still got that chain?

My little poser!

Water not so still...

Water still...

Friday, January 19, 2007

Is that face just not aborable or what!!!

He's so cute!! I know, Matthew and I did a good job. Thank you for thanking so :) Now, back to reality. Matthew and I are in trouble because this adorable little boy is learning new stuff everyday. He should be walking soon. He took about 5 steps by himself last night and he's been standing in one spot for a good few seconds try to get his balance. He ran down the couch last night with his left hand barely touching the couch as he went. Not only has he figured that out, but he has figured out how to climb!!!! We had the lap top case sitting in the floor by the kitchen table and he climb on top of that and then climb into the chair. I was just amazed!! I yelled for Matthew so he could see it and when he got into the kitchen he looked at Ashton and then looked at me and said "did he do that all by himself?". I said yep... we're in trouble. Needless to say, Matthew agreed hole heartedly. Grandparents, enjoy the torture your kids are about to receive for it is coming. When I told my dad about this last night, he said I told you I told you, didn't I, yep you're in trouble now. He's loving it, especially the toilet thing for some reason.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Potty Time... sort of

I know that I haven't done much on Ashton's site lately and that's because not much is going on. Ashton has 6 teeth now. Four on top and two on the bottom. He has been fussy because of them but that's to be expected. He is still his happy loving self though. He loves to talk, especially in the morning after his bottle. We don't know what he is saying yet but there is definitely new sounds coming out of that mouth. He did find both toilets today though. The three of us were in the master bedroom and Matthew and I were looking at something on the computer and we heard splash splash splash and Matthew jumped up and said that can't be good and ran into the bathroom to find Ashton playing in the toilet. A few hours later Matthew was in the bathroom and I went to make Ashton a bottle for nap time and when I came back to get him I found him in the other bathroom playing in that toilet! The kid loves to play in the toilet. It's his Grandmothers fault. She taught him to splash water!!

Monday, January 01, 2007

More Christmas in Georgia pictures

Pictures speak louder than words...

Merry Christmas from Georgia

As you can tell Ashton had the most presents and the most fun, except for Grandmother!!!