Baby Ashton

This is the blog of our son, Ashton. There has been so much to say and post about him, it was taking over my personal blog; therefore, he now has his own site chronicling his exploits and documenting his life for friends and family.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Well the little monster has been a joyful handful lately. Every morning when he wakes up, which is usually between 7 a.m. to 10 a.m., I feed him and then he and I go get into bed with Daddy and play. Daddy is usually asleep but wakes up periodically when Ashton screams at him or pulls on his c-pap mask(which to me is hilarious). Ashton and I and sometimes Daddy play for about an hour or so and then we come back into the living room and either play in the activity center or on the floor. He actually likes being on his belly now which is a miracle that I thought would never happen. He can not crawl yet but boy he can get around by just pushing his body where ever he wants to. He is extremely funny when he's in his crib. He'll turn over on his stomach and just kick his feet, sometimes I can actually hear and see it on the monitor. Also there is a musical toy on the foot of his crib that he can kick at and it plays music or makes animal sounds; during the night or when ever he sleeps you will sometimes hear the toy from where he has kicked it in his sleep. Anyways here are some new pictures, hope y'all enjoy.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

I know that I just made a post earlier today but I took some adorable pictures of Ashton today and I just wanted to share them with y'all. Soon the little one will be crawling and I think that he might have a tooth or two come out in a couple of days. I can feel a grove on his bottom gums and I think that when they do come in, I am going to have to stop letting him chew on my fingers. Well, here are the pictures, enjoy!!

I tell you what, this child of mine is just so silly!! I have never seen a baby have so much fun in his crib before. He is literally all over it. He loves kicking at the toys in the crib also and that sounds like he's demolishing the crib when you hear it on the monitor. He is such a silly sleeper, for the past 2 weeks he has pushed himself into a corner and fallen asleep. I always have to go into his room after he has been asleep for awhile and take the blanket off of his face or pull him out of the corner. He has been a real happy baby lately which has been a blessing. The poor thing is going to be passed around a lot starting in July though. Right now he's visting Grandma and then we get him back today and then on July 5, he'll visit the Grandma's again for a couple of days until I recover from having 4 wisdom teeth cut out, and then on July 10th he'll be gone for about 5 days to the Grandma's again so that I can recover even better in Flordia :) Hope he doesn't forget me!!!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Ashton sure has grown a lot lately. He has started rolling over on his stomach all by himself and your sure do know when he does it because he starts fussing big time. He's starting to try at sitting up but only when we kind of make try it. I doubt he'll crawl anytime soon, which is probably a good thing for Lucy since I haven't found her a new home yet. Ashton does have an upper respiratory infection which cause a lot of concern from me and Matthew but none from the doctor really, isn't that the way it usually goes. Anyways, he's doing much better since we put a humidifier in his room and we suction the mucus from his mouth and nose all day and night long. Here's a couple more pictures for y'all to look at. He's such a sweet heart! His daddy keeps calling him a lady killer but I don't care to much for that term so I say a heart breaker. He made every girl in Goody's come and look at him the other day, that's when he was in the snoopy outfit. It's the plaid outfit with the hat. Also, Ashton has learned how to kiss and he does it so well and makes sure that there is a lot of wet stuff involved! The other two pictures just show how he likes to sleep, no matter where you place him in his crib, that is where he always ends up and the other one is my mom holding him while playing with pooh!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

More growing up

Well as you can see the little one is still growing! He has been doing really good lately. He's such a funny little guy. I love playing with him so much. He has started kissing people which is so funny and extremely wet! He's really trying to sit up more. We put him on the changing table and he'll sit for a few seconds before he falls over trying to get to something. For some reason he really wants the bag of wipes. As you can tell from the pictures, he also wanted a bag of lays too. Don't worry, he didn't get any chips, just the bag. It was really funny how he got the bad though. You see, his daddy was holding him while he was eating some chips and Ashton just took the bag from him. Of course I couldn't take any pictures of it because daddy wasn't dressed completely so we had to switch off and let daddy take the pictures while mommy held. Doesn't he look like he just got caught with his hand in the cookie jar!!! Needless to say, I printed an 8x10 of that picture and gave it to my dad to put in the office at work for everyone to see. I thought the Frito Lay guys would get a kick out of that.