Baby Ashton

This is the blog of our son, Ashton. There has been so much to say and post about him, it was taking over my personal blog; therefore, he now has his own site chronicling his exploits and documenting his life for friends and family.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Ashton sure has grown a lot lately. He has started rolling over on his stomach all by himself and your sure do know when he does it because he starts fussing big time. He's starting to try at sitting up but only when we kind of make try it. I doubt he'll crawl anytime soon, which is probably a good thing for Lucy since I haven't found her a new home yet. Ashton does have an upper respiratory infection which cause a lot of concern from me and Matthew but none from the doctor really, isn't that the way it usually goes. Anyways, he's doing much better since we put a humidifier in his room and we suction the mucus from his mouth and nose all day and night long. Here's a couple more pictures for y'all to look at. He's such a sweet heart! His daddy keeps calling him a lady killer but I don't care to much for that term so I say a heart breaker. He made every girl in Goody's come and look at him the other day, that's when he was in the snoopy outfit. It's the plaid outfit with the hat. Also, Ashton has learned how to kiss and he does it so well and makes sure that there is a lot of wet stuff involved! The other two pictures just show how he likes to sleep, no matter where you place him in his crib, that is where he always ends up and the other one is my mom holding him while playing with pooh!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

AWWWW! How cute... I can't wait until Brenden starts kissing us. He also is trying to sit up. Call me sometime when you get a chance..


8:02 PM  

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